Tuesday, January 8, 2008

telegraph road - journey through uttarakhand, v 9

You cannot own the mountains. You can only fumble with the physics of the contraption, cursing under your breath. Trying to capture the moment. Like many others before you.

Sunset. The magic hour. Almora to Nainital.


meraj said...

man, this is a super series...cant wait for more on/of the Himalayas through your lens.

cheers and congratulations!

phish said...

meraj - a little more to come, yes. it was truly a memorable experience. miles away from anything.

i am glad you like these. iam still a bumbling amateur with the lens.

Prixie said...

WOW...profound stuff. thank you for the visit.

Prixie said...

thank you for the visit. i adore your photography...

Mystique said...

refer comment on your other blog....
if you live in mumbai i'd like to meet you........
once i get there. which should be in some....2009.

Mystique said...

refer comment on your other blog....
if you live in mumbai i'd like to meet you........
once i get there. which should be in some....2009.

trendinsights said...

Hi Phish, it's my first time here and I do love the pictures you took! :)

phish said...

prixie - thank you. i wish i was more regular though. thanks for dropping in.

mystique - just drop me a line. will be fun i am sure.

trendinsights - i certainly hope this will not be your last. i am glad you liked them.

D said...

Hey, your work is amazing! Am here for the first time but I don't think this is going to be the last!